A book for my soul

I am in my best mood to blog and it is such a shame that I cant install myanmar font in my work computer to pour out my thoughts.

Been reading books constantly for quite a while now. Jurong Library is near by and membership costs only 10 dollar. A cool deal indeed. You can borrow maximum 6 books for 3 weeks.

I love library. I love the quiet and peaceful ambience. I love hearing the sound of flipping pages. I love walking around the library and randomly choosing the books.  I love bookworms , nerds and geeks.  One of my life long dream inspired by my dad, is to build my own libary in neighbourhood wherever I am in my retired days.  Well, It is not even a dream. It is a determination. My habit which is collecting books and journals, has to be kept under control due to huge space demand of my small rented room in Singapore. Nevertheless, I still have some good collection with me that I take big pride for.

So I was browsing thru the random book racks in fiction selections and spotted this book.

"The Mango Season"
Amulya Malladi

The story was very heart warming, luscious, halirious and strong. It is about a modern indian girl who was born and raised in idia for 20 years and studied in US in her late teen ages. After coming back from 7 years stay in US, She found India to be a hellhole. She was stuck between old conservative culture and modern age.

I can share her emotion as her folks are much alike our folks back home. :) Arakan folks.  I started to check out her website and her books. Only 5 books are out and I am aiming to get her third release,
"Serving Crazy With Curry".  Sounds great, huh??

Mango Season, Serving crazy with curry... I love how she uses food as titles.. me like.. hehe. Makes me feel hungry for more of her books.

Here is her pic for admiring purpose.
Amulya Malladi

Khine Wai Zan