The most amusing news I have ever read. I know they are being totally serious but still, I found it to be utterly haliriuos. I want to welcome them to Myanmar, the land of bugs, dust and mosquitoes, and see what could they do to thousand of Anopheles Male Mosquitoes. That is going to be one hell of a big project.
ROFLMAO = Roll on the floor laughing my ass off
Here is the poor thing to take a good look at it.. It is ugly cuz its a male. Remember?? Male mosquito neither bite nor suck blood. They are used solely for reproduction. How cool is that to be a part of female dominating species? These female mosquitoes must be sadists. They just step on males after mating and then take a sip of sweet sweet human blood and have fun. They dont live long. Good for them. That means they dont really have to suffer and go thru hell like some of us do. May be I gotta wish to become a female mosquito in my next life, when I pray. :)
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