ျမန္မာလိုမေရးျဖစ္တာ ၾကာျပီ။ ပ်င္းလြန္းလို. ေရးရမွာ။ ဒီေန.ေတာ့ေရးလိုက္ပါအုံးမယ္။ အားယားေနတယ္လို.ေတာ့မထင္လိုက္နဲ.။ လုပ္စရာေတြမွ ပံုလို.။ မလုပ္ခ်င္လို. မလုပ္တာ။ deadline နားမကပ္ေသးလို. မလုပ္ခ်င္ေသးတာ။ အနားကပ္မွ အရူးမီး၀ိုင္း အရပ္ကူပါ လူ၀ိုင္းပါနဲ. ဖုတ္ပူမီးတိုက္ လုပ္ရတာ အက်င့္ျဖစ္ေနျပီ။ ေနာက္တခုက ရခိုင္ျပည္နယ္ေန. မို.လို.။ ရခိုင္လိုေရးခ်င္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြ ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားက ဗမာေတြမ်ားလို. အားလံုးဖတ္လို. ရေအာင္ေရးလိုက္တာ။
အေၾကာင္းအရာ ကေတာ့ စစ္ေတြကို လြမ္းတယ္ဆိုတာပဲ။ ေျမာက္ဦးကို ျပန္သြားခ်င္တယ္။ ေမာင္ေတာက အမ်ိဳးေတြနဲ.ေတြ.ခ်င္တယ္။ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴကိုလည္း တေခါက္သြားခ်င္ေသးတယ္။ ေက်ာက္ေတာ္က မဟာျမတ္မုနိ ဘုရားကို ဖူးခ်င္တယ္။ စစ္ေတြ ေျမာက္ဦး ကားလမ္း ေပါက္ကတည္းက တခါမွမေရာက္ျဖစ္တဲ့ ပု႑ားက်ြန္းကိုလည္း ကားနဲ.သြားခ်င္တယ္။ တခါမွေရာက္ဖူးေသးတဲ့ ဆံေတာ္ရွင္ ဘုရားကိုလည္း ဖူးခ်င္တယ္။ ပိြဳင့္ကို သြားခ်င္တယ္။ လမ္းထိပ္က မုန္.တီဆို္င္မွာ စားခ်င္တယ္။ ရွု ခင္းသာလမ္းမွာလည္း ထိုင္ခ်င္တယ္။ လိွုင္းလံုးၾကီးေတြကို သတိရတယ္။ အိမ္နားက အရက္ဆိုင္မွာေရာင္းတဲ့ ဝက္ေခါင္းသုပ္လည္း စားခ်င္တယ္။ စစ္ေတြဟိုတယ္နားက ထန္းေတာထဲက ထန္းေရခ်ိဳနဲ. ငါးေျခာက္သုပ္ကိုလြမ္းတယ္။ ေအာင္ေက်ာ္ေခါက္ဆဲြဆိုင္က ဆီခ်က္ေခါက္ဆဲြကိုလြမ္းတယ္။ ၾကယ္နီေရခဲေခ်င္းကို လြမ္းတယ္။ အထက ၄ ေက်င္းၾကီးကိုလြမ္းတယ္။ ျပီးေတာ့............................
Posted by khine wai zan 0 comments
Top 5 anime guys that i want to marry!!
Yes, I am crazy. Yes, I am a huge fan of anime. Nope, I dont watch all animes. Yes, I only watch the best. :D I know, I know. Call me crazy. As if I care!! So here we go. There is my list of top 5 anime guys that I want to marry.
1. Khuchiki Byakuya (Bleach)
I feel like screaming whenever I see him. I just cant resist not to fall in love with him. He is just the coolest. Yes, he is a divorcee but who cares. And he might be falling in love with Rukia. But I am going to beat the shit out of her and her hakuren, and going to win byakuya's heart. I love him most when he use his bankai plus his flash steps. jajajajaja.
Kuchiki Byakuya (Captain of 6th squad, the most famous shinigami in soul society).
2. Kurun Kaname ( Vampire Knights)
This pure blood vampire is irresistably handsome and is the most powerful one among all of his kinds. Isnt that cool? You can take my blood any time you like, darling kaname. I am sure my blood will be as sweet as Yuki's one.
Kurun Kaname, pure blood vampire
3. Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)He doesnt need to use both of his eyes to seduce me. Even when he is not using his sharingan, I am alrealdy falling for him. Just keep that eye off Kakashi, cuz I might get fainted if I see your sharigan.

Leader of Team 7 (naruto, sasuke and sakura) Nick Name (Copy Ninja Kakashi)
Here is his sharigan's closed up shot. Dont fall for his sharingan ya all. It's already mine. :D
4. Sosuke Aizen (Bleach)
Hmm, I dont really know why I fall for him. But you know I love bad boy. :) He is the worst of all and I love his thurst for power and his ability which shake the world of death gods. I dont like his former self as a good Captain aizen thou. I like the badass one. hehe... he can wow me when he transformed himself after coming to Heuco mundo. He can backstab me as he likes, I ll still forgive him. :D

Sosuke Aizen ( Former 5th squad Captain, king of Hueco Mundo)
5. Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Tell me that I am a pedophile. I know he only is 15 when he started and now about 17. And he is still in high school. But when he fully use his bankai that is the robe, the sword plus his half hollow mask, I just melt. I dont care who he is falling for. Inoue or Rukia or Nel. He is going to be mine. Show me your bankai, sweet heart. :D

Kurosaki Ichigo (Substitute Shinigami)
I was laughing all the way writing this post. I am one true crazy soul indeed. Geez, how old I am to wirte this kind of thing huh???? But hey, who cares?? Well.. have a great day ya all. This is a fun day for me.
Posted by khine wai zan 1 comments